mike and mike michael

  • What is your gender? How do you feel about being a female/male? What does it mean to you in terms of your identity? ‘Do you think that your ethical view conforms to ethics of care/ethics of justice? Why or why not?

I am a female. While I would never change to become a male I truly am more of a boy then a girl, I have always been more of a “tomboy” getting along better with guys than girls. I enjoy cars, getting dirty, going off roading, but at the same time I still like to do girly things like shop and get my nails done. I think that I don’t fit neatly in the gender stereotypes. In most cases I truly feel I have a mix I do care but at the same time I don’t like children, I don’t relate to them and find them annoying. This is where I think that I lose the ethics of care I also have the ethics of justice because it is rule and law based which is something that I tend to focus on highly I care about the loss prevention issues at my job.

  • Who do you consider your best friend and why?  Describe your relationship to him/her in terms of trust, equality, fairness, love, caring, empathy and responsibility.  Discuss how easy or difficult is it to keep these qualities in your friendship?  Can you have more than one best friend?  Can you have many best friends?  Why or why not?

As I have stated several times I have three best friends they are three boys that I truly consider my brothers. I would do anything for them and give anything for them. We are always on the same page they give just as much as I do. I trust them with my life just as I know they trust me. Every conversation between us is always ended with I love you. I would never want a relationship past friendship with any of them and that is a problem that most people don’t understand, there is a lot of jealousy from my boyfriends towards them but truthfully its a package deal with them. With these three we have the friendship thing down pat we can go weeks without talking but the moment they send me a text or I send them one were there for eachother, no questions asked. I think with girls as your friends it takes a lot more maintenance in a friendship, missing one night going out with girls you’re the bad guy. I like the low maintenance friendships that one look or one word they can tell what is wrong with you just as my three best friends can do. I think you can have more than one best friend without a doubt there is always the one person you will be just a bit closer to you but that can be because of time you’ve known them or even the relative locations of where you live.  However it doesn’t change that they still matter just as much in your life they are just as important. I think that it shouldn’t matter how many best friends you have but the relationships that you have with them.

The pictures I posted are of my three best friends Michael, Michael, and Michael. I truly hate calling them just Mike I find it a lot less personal. Two of them are really close and the other one I have known since high school. I couldn’t live without them everyday knowing their there. 

My Best Friends… Introduction 5

Introdution Part 2

I think everyone has their own rules about what is right and what is wrong we all believe different things and I think we all have different moral compasses. I however have certain rules that I feel I should follow including don’t lie, be caring, give respect and trust those who deserve it, finally don’t judge people for how they look but by their character. These are important to me because I was brought up to care about everyone, even those who have hurt me. These are the rules that I feel are important in most people’s lives so I feel like Kant said we all have similar moral compasses. I feel as if we are living by these rules in our lives they are something we should agree with and if not that should be something we should be working to change. I think adding new morals and principals in my life could only help each experience in our lives help to change us and adds to our morals we learn from the experiences that we are forced to deal with.

My obligations in life are to respect my elders, make something of myself, and enjoy every day to its fullest. Most of these are for me who sounds selfish but I see it as if you are happy then you can make those around you happy and work to help make a difference in others’ lives.  Doing “good” or being “good” to me means having respect and showing that respect to others. Means not judging people right off and even when no one’s looking you are doing the right thing. I think one of the most important saying to this is “it matters how we play the game,” because we should be doing good even when no one is around.

I personally think there is no way to achieve happiness without having principals. This is something we should all be working towards happiness however to achieve pure happiness we should be living by our principals. Meaning that in relationships we should all be honest and having that honest and open relationship means that there can be happiness. They work together and for lack of a better term “go hand in hand.”

Don’t Judge a Book by Its Cover

I know how generic this term is but I think this happens so much in everyone’s lives that we judge people because they are extremely attractive or nerdy looking. These are things that make a difference if we become friends with them or are interested in them. However none of this should make a difference. If someone has a good personality they shouldn’t be judged from the skin they were given.


Who Am I?

I am an only child. Right there in that simple statement I think more of you have learned who I really am then I could ever describe. I thrive in being an only child, my parents gave me everything they could growing up and I learned from them how to be a great person. I learned what family means and who I can count on in my weakest moments. I admit I have my days where I can be selfish and narrow minded but it is something I have worked everyday to over come. In relation to happiness I think a big point that must be brought about in all this talk about happiness is the fact that throughout most of my teenage years I struggled with very bad depression, to the point I tried to end my life. This is when I learned the true meaning of friends and who I could at the end of the day call my brothers and I realized that blood doesn’t define family. I have never been one to stick with the same group of friends but in the past 6 years I have found out why my three best friends really are my brothers. Through everything I have realized that I truly need those people in my life that I can count on. The other day I was asked a question, “Where do you want to be in ten years?” After thinking about this for a long time I realized that I just want to be happy and to me being happy includes surrounding myself with those who love me for who I truly am. Being a store manger at Bath and Body Works a job I love more than I can describe and finally be done with college. After responding with this answer the person asked don’t you want to have a home. And I simply said my loved ones are my home. That statement truly describes me and what I think happiness really is. Having the most important people in your life the ones who only want the best for you and will help you to move forward. Happiness is relative but to me happiness is being and giving love.

While I know three pictures is excessive this is the only way I could describe me and happiness all bundled up. My top picture is of my girls they are the ones that are there for me when I need that person to go out with and just forget about the day and remember who I am. The second picture is what I can only describe as my “Mikes,” they ironically all share the same name and are all my adoptive brothers, they truly are what I would like to call 1/3 my other half. and last but definitely not least is one of me and my parents, my rocks and my core. They make me who I am and even though there may be those days where I need to fight with someone and choose them at the end of the day we are always there for each other.
